


Welcome to the Center for Applied Brain Research (CABR)

This site ( is conjoined with Letters From The Home planet ( and Self Made Books ( The three sites are designed to facilitate the reader in moving between them as interest in any topic grows. These sites are constantly evolving.

CABR is a public-dedicated organization founded in 1984. It is part of a federation of like-minded individuals united in principle.

Its mission is to broaden individual, public and corporate knowledge of the nature and potential of the human brain as revealed by contemporary scientific research and inquiry. It conducts research, presents information and supports education on brain-centered topics such as:

            The nature of work
                        Self-knowledge [and its enhanced use]
                                    Communication, management, & relationships


All graphics contained on this website, bar none, can be understood on three levels. This understanding is strictly personal and relies on the individual reader?s cognitive range. Each visit to this site increases this range.

All information contained on this site will be presented within three tiers or tracks (levels of detail) where necessary and so noted.

Track 1 is designed for the lay person or one who just wants an overview of the material.

Track 2 is designed for the studious person who wants more detailed information based on research, applications, and educational opportunities.

Track 3 is designed to be more esoteric, centering on what possibilities and what capabilities the human brain holds now and possibly later. 

While we may be initially prompted by our inherited biology, the world goes on to fashion each of us into a unique organism. We are actually unfinished entities, constantly in the process of change and development.

Your body, brain, and mind represent certain distinct capabilities. For some, it is a life-long process to discover and effectively use those capabilities.

This site contains a required course for those in the present-day Workplace. It is a part of your life-long training in self-discovery, self-development, and self-expression.

This is not training in the well-known Arts, Sciences or Business, but a cultivation of the individual for successful living in any of the Arts, Sciences, or Business. We believe that the Highest Human Art is the Art of Making the Most of our Selves through skillful expression. In this course of study, you bring your own training materials:   YOURSELF!

Note: We use a number models throughout these sites. Models that are used here are symbolic representations that describe the major features or dimensions of the phenomena they represent. They are a structure or a sort of collection of mental ?things? to aid in making sense of a concept we are presenting. As such, they are extremely useful in breaking complex phenomena down into simpler and more readily comprehensible representations.

The models introduced here are intended to be models of physical, biological phenomena. 

Mind or Consciousness arises from the neuro-substrate. There is no place in the brain that can be said to be its source. This is the same as trying to find the singer in a radio. In other words, we consider Consciousness as a non-material thing. It is a living Process. This living process is You. It is highly individualized and personal Process. Our sense of normal is equivalent to the scale on which we live our lives, i.e., the complexity of the neural-substrate. The substrate is not a description of Reality. It is simply a personal construction of reality which forms a basis from which you behave. From a reductionist point of view, you cannot stop a process to examine its minutia; you can only watch it operate, i.e., looking for clues.

The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument © is used in our Education and Research activities. We have on record a letter from Ned Herrmann authorizing us to use his copywrited material. It is used as a Rosetta stone to make possible the decipherment of human thinking.

We have been trained in the Application and Usage of his material:

Applied Creative Thinking Seminar/Workshop (Act I) - Sept 20-25,1982

Brain Dominance Training/Research Course  April 9-12, 1984

Advanced Brain Dominance Training Course: HBDI Certification  Dec 3, 1992

The HBDI (survey) is a lens, a template through which we observe our own thinking nature, and it is a key to unlocking hidden mental dimensions guiding your life. It is not a test; there are no right or wrong answers. Candid self-observation is one of life's premier teaching methods. If you are not conscious of all of the different parts of yourself, the part of yourself that is the strongest will win out over the other parts. This is automatic and outside your awareness. This is true of everyone. The processed result of taking the survey is a visible representation and strength of your preferred thinking style or mode. Equally important, it shows the modes you prefer not to use--you tend to avoid them. Again, this outside your awareness.

R3 04/29/22